Excellence Through Collaboration Award

The Excellence Through Collaboration Award recognizes corporate and non-corporate partner companies that have partnered with a state to implement a program, project, or service that positively impacts the state.

This would be considered a joint award to a state primary member and the corporate/non-corporate partner(s) that partnered in the project.

Nomination Period: 2025 Awards will open June 1, 2025.

Submission deadline is August 1, 2025.

  • To be eligible for consideration, nominated projects must involve collaboration and shared responsibility between state government and one or more corporate/non-corporate partner(s) in good standing with NASCA.

    This award recognizes initiatives that deliver a valuable public benefit, services, or resource that positively impact the state's citizens. In-kind donations and contracts for services do not necessarily constitute a public-private partnership for purposes of this award. Nominated partnerships should be collaborative in nature as described above.

    • State must be a current member of NASCA

    • Submissions must be made by State Chief Administrators (or equivalent) or with the State Chief Administrator's approval; corporate member may submit with the CAOs approval

    • Nominated programs/projects should have implemented within the last 36 months

    • Projects may be led by other agencies/departments, but staff from the administration department must have played a significant role in developing the program or project. (e.g., HHS stockpile redesign, Department of Corrections recruitment and retention initiative)

    • Only one nomination per state is allowed in each category, not multiple categories. Contact headquarters@nasca.org if you need help on the category selection

    • Only completed submissions will be accepted

    • Submissions will only be accepted online

    • Prior year submissions that were not awarded and have been updated can also be submitted

  • Applicants will use a NASCA template that includes an executive summary and narrative of each of the following judging criteria. Visual aids are encouraged and may be included as supplemental material, but scores will be based on the written submission:

    • Innovation: Project Goals/Objectives (25%): What problem does this address? Why does the problem matter? What unique ways, approach, scale, or magnitude of effort did the state undertake? What makes this universal and transferable? Goals should be broad and overarching objectives should be expressed in specific and measurable terms.

    • Strategy/Tactics (25%): Strategy/Tactics should outline the plan, strategy, tactics, resources, team, roadmap used to reach the goals and objectives set.

    • Impact: Success Metrics/Outcomes and Efficiencies Achieved (50%): For the measurement of your goals and objectives applications should indicate the metrics used to measure success. Examples include:

      • Number of hours saved

      • Employee engagement survey change

      • Comments and data from a customer satisfaction survey

      • Visits to the online data visualization

      • Dollars spent on MBE vendors

  • Step 1: Download and complete this Nomination Template.

    Step 2: Submit your Nomination using this Nomination Form and upload your Nomination Template.

Past Recipients

  • Deloitte x State of Michigan


  • Periscope x State of Arkansas



    States of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington
